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Fingers crossed for Ryan!

Following the recent (and final) selection process, Gower College Swansea is eagerly awaiting news on whether Hospitality student Ryan Kenyon has been selected to represent the UK at WorldSkills Abu Dhabi 2017*.

Ryan’s competition journey began in March 2014 when he represented the college in the WelshSkills Food Service competition – the following year he entered the same competition and secured a Bronze medal.

Then he entered the regional heats of the UK Skills competition and was recalled to the semi-finals in August 2015. This secured Ryan a place in the live finals at the Skills Show in Birmingham where he was awarded a Silver medal.

Since October 2015, Ryan has received additional coaching from the Welsh and UK Skills training squad, including training at: The Ritz, London; Le Gavroche, London; The French, Manchester; The Cliveden, Berkshire and Osteria Francescana, Modena.

Ryan previously worked at the Marriott Hotel in Swansea and the career opportunities provided to him following his competition success has been fantastic – he secured a full time post at the prestigious five-star Gleneagles luxury hotel, spa and golf resort and, most recently, has secured himself a full time position at the Cliveden five-star country house and spa in Berkshire.

“The journey for Ryan has been inspirational,” says Mark Clement, Learning Area Manager. “He came to the college via the 14-16 schools programme and, after leaving Cefn Hengoed, enrolled onto a catering course and has not looked back since. He has definitely helped highlight the fabulous opportunities that exist in the hospitality industry while also raising the profile of food service and the skills associated with fine dining and silver service. Good luck Ryan, we are all very proud of your achievements!”

* The results will be announced on 26 April.