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Innovation Fund enables exciting STEM research


Gower College Swansea students are embarking on a range of exciting STEM research projects thanks to the Innovation Fund and EESW. The projects have allowed students to collaborate with Tidal Lagoon (Swansea Bay) plc and Dwr Cymru Welsh Water to find solutions to genuine problems faced by industry.

Working closely with representatives from their partner companies, the students worked in teams to conduct their scientific and engineering research. In December, their designs were brought to life when they were provided with the use of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David’s Mount Pleasant laboratories to construct prototypes.

The research conducted will earn the students a highly acclaimed Gold CREST Award from the British Science Association and they will go on to present their research findings to an audience of scientists, engineers and companies at the prestigious ‘Big Bang’ science fair in Celtic Manor this March.

Amy Herbert, Stewart McConnell and David Bawden have worked in collaboration with EESW (funded by the Welsh European Funding Office) to coordinate these research projects.

The attached photos were taken at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David’s laboratories and include students alongside Stewart McConnell, Amy Herbert and the Tidal Lagoon team.