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Mock interviews for Bridge students

Students taking part in the Bridge Programme at Gower College Swansea were involved in a recent ‘mock interview’ day which introduced them to potential employers from the local community.

The Bridge Programme targets young people who are at high risk of becoming NEET (not in employment, education or training) and aims to engage them in a range of opportunities that could lead them into work or study.

Involved in the process were: Josh and Sam from Square Peg Coffee House in Sketty; Gower College Swansea managers Richard Thorne, Claire Bickford and Louise Nowell; representatives from the City & County of Swansea’s Corporate Building Services, Parks and Cleansing, Adult Day Services (Social Services) and Waste Management departments and Mared Anthony of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

“The positive atmosphere at the mock interviews and the feedback sheets that were completed afterwards by the employers have really motivated the young people and inspired them to work hard and achieve success in the future,” says Bridge Coordinator Caryn Morgan.

"The next step is to develop a work experience trial for them,” adds event organiser Lucy Turtle. “Based on how well the students and employers got on at the mock interviews, we will now look to match them up for short term work experience placements.”

"It was great to be part of the interviews and I was really encouraged by the enthusiasm and commitment that the young people showed,” says Louise. 

"It was fantastic meeting with the interviewees today and getting to know about their passions and goals for the future,” agrees Mared.


GCS would like to thank the following individuals who gave up their time to support the mock interviews process: Josh and Sam (Square Peg), Richard Thorne, Claire Bickford and Louise Nowell (GCS), Gary Lloyd, Emma Lewis, Matthew Bolt, Stuart Rees, Fran Williams (City and County of Swansea) and Mared Anthony from UWTSD.