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College News

Prom Fayre - 1st February 2015

In association with The Wave and Swansea Sound, and sponsored by Gower College Swansea, Sketty Hall is proud to host a fabulous Prom Fayre on Sunday 1st February.

The event will cater for all your prom party needs and features exclusive fashion shows (at 12pm and 2pm) with dresses from Stardust Boutique.

Open from 11am.

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Special Valentine event @ Broadway in collaboration with Boots - 3rd February

Special Valentine event @ Broadway in collaboration with Boots - 3rd February

Stuck for romantic gift ideas or looking to treat yourself?

From 10.30am to 1.30pm on Tuesday 3 February, the Broadway Centre will be holding a special Valentine's themed event in collaboration with Boots Fforestfach.

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Artist in Residency opportunity at Gower College Swansea in partnership with Mission Gallery

This exciting residency opportunity is a partnership between Gower College Swansea and Mission Gallery.

With one residency beginning in February 2015 and the other May 2015, this is a fantastic opportunity for two emerging artists, from any discipline, to work with the resources and expertise at both organisations.

The successful applicants will be expected to develop their own work - leading workshops at Gower College Swansea, participating in an open studios event, culminating in an artist talk and final profile at Mission Gallery.

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Y Gronfa Arloesi yn gyfrwng i ymchwil STEM cyffrous

Mae myfyrwyr Coleg Gŵyr Abertawe yn cychwyn ar amrywiaeth o brosiectau ymchwil STEM cyffrous, diolch i'r Gronfa Arloesi a Chynllun Addysg Beirianneg Cymru (EESW). Mae'r prosiectau wedi cynnig modd i fyfyrwyr gydweithio â Tidal Lagoon (Swansea Bay) plc a Dŵr Cymru/Welsh Water i gael hyd i atebion i broblemau go iawn a wynebir gan ddiwydiant.

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Innovation Fund enables exciting STEM research

Gower College Swansea students are embarking on a range of exciting STEM research projects thanks to the Innovation Fund and EESW. The projects have allowed students to collaborate with Tidal Lagoon (Swansea Bay) plc and Dwr Cymru Welsh Water to find solutions to genuine problems faced by industry.

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Gwefan prosiect digartrefedd yn rhoi her i fyfyrwyr

Mae myfyrwyr TG o gampws Tycoch Coleg Gŵyr Abertawe wedi bod yn gweithio ochr yn ochr â Phrosiect Pobl Ifanc Sengl Ddigartref Abertawe (SYSHP) i’w cynorthwyo i ddatblygu gwefan benodedig.

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Homeless project website sets challenge for students

IT students from Gower College Swansea's Tycoch campus have been working alongside the Swansea Young Single Homeless Project (SYSHP) to assist them with the development of a dedicated website.

During a recent visit to the organisation, the Level 2 and 3 students were given an opportunity to understand the core values of the project and gained an appreciation of the vital role it plays in the local community.

SYSHP supports young people aged between 16 and 25 who are made homeless.

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Free Saturday Art School at Llwyn y Bryn

School pupils from across the Swansea area are invited to take part in a FREE Saturday Art School programme starting 24 January.

The four-week programme is open to two age groups - ages 11 to 13 and ages 14 to 16.

Pupils will experiment in glass, textiles, wire work, print, painting, digital illustration, photography and sculpture. Working alongside professional artists and designers, they will also have an opportunity to exhibit their own work.

Starts dates:
Saturday 24 January to 21 February (four weeks) 10am - 1pm

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Traditional 'twmpath' celebrates Welsh heritage

Childcare students at Gower College Swansea recently organised a ‘Twmpath’ dance at the Gorseinon campus.

This traditional Welsh dancing event was intended as a celebration of our Welsh culture / heritage and is in anticipation of Santes Dwynwen (Welsh patron saint of lovers' day) on 25 January.

A second twmpath will take place at Tycoch on 26 January and hundreds of students and staff are expected to take part across both days.

Photos: Victoria Gourlay

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ILS students celebrate work placement successes

The workplace achievements of Gower College Swansea’s Independent Living Skills (ILS) students were acknowledged at a recent presentation event at the Tycoch campus.

The guest speaker was Radio Tircoed Station Director and DJ Mike Lewis, who visited students currently enrolled on the Work Preparation Course. Joining him was student Jack Draper, who is carrying out work experience at the radio station and who has benefited greatly from the placement.

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