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Neurodiversity Team (Non-statemented Learners)

If you do not have a statement but still need support, you need to get in touch with the Neurodiversity Team. The more information we know about you the easier it is to support you. You will have the opportunity to tell us what support you need when you enrol. Enrolment is also a really good time to tell us about any exam support you had at school.

Neurodiversity Coordinator: Emma Jones

This team includes specialist support teachers whose role is to support you if you have a neurodiverse condition. For example, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, dyslexia, dyscalculia, developmental coordination disorder (DCD)/dyspraxia and developmental language disorder (DLD). 

Each faculty at the College has a designated Neurodiversity Support Specialist (NSS). You will be able to discuss your needs and they will support you and your lecturers throughout the course. 

The neurodiversity centres provide a quiet space to work in which can act as a gateway to additional support such as counselling and health practitioners to help you with your emotional wellbeing. 

The centres also have computer access and students are encouraged to attend drop-in sessions for out of class support with a specialist teacher. In addition, there are several support hubs across the College. These are dedicated quiet spaces for you to complete work or step away from your busy day. 

Neurodiversity Coordinator: Emma Jones


As a College, we will screen you for dyslexia and, while this is not going to give you a diagnosis, it will entitle you to the same support that a diagnosed person would receive.

The neurodiversity team will tailor support to your individual needs, this could involve one-to-one support outside the classroom, help with assignment writing or note taking, in-class support, exam preparation and the creation of a One Page Profile.

If using a laptop is your normal way of working, then this is an option. This will need to be supported by medical evidence or evidence from your previous educational setting.

It will be your choice to accept the support offered by the College. You will not have to take up the offer but, if you are offered support, it is because you are entitled to it to ensure you have the same opportunities as all learners. Before refusing support, it is a good idea to discuss your options with the team as we can tailor it to your specific needs. You may find that you require support at specific times of the year.

You may be entitled to additional support for exams such as extra time, a scribe or a reader. If you were assessed at school, then this information can be used at College to continue the support. If you have not been assessed for this, then the College can carry out these assessments.

Yes, as a College we are happy to assess any learner that feels they would like to know more about their needs. This can identify how to best support you and your preferred learning styles.

If you had a statement from the Local Authority while at school, please bring it with you.

You should inform the College when enrolling that you receive extra time or other support in exams. If you had support in exams, you will need to collect your Form 8 from the ALN Coordinator at your school so we can see your history.

Please speak to your tutor or to a member of the neurodiversity team to book a support session.

Depending on your needs the following options may be available to you: 

  • Teaching assistant 
  • One to one literacy support
  • Assignment writing 
  • Proof reading
  • Revision skills
  • Social skills
  • Anxiety support
  • Technology support.

If you require additional transition support, we are more than happy to organise individual visits. Please contact 

Aiden Spiller:  
Ffion Davies: