The College awards a Bursary in each year for all full time HE students studying on a programme which is franchised from a Higher Education Institution (university). This applies to students in all years of courses.
For all courses franchised from a university, the Bursary is £1,000 per year.
The Bursary is split into two equal payments and is provided by Gower College Swansea - it is independent of any franchising HEI's policies e.g. minimum attendance.
Where full time students are required to fully repeat a year (120 credits) they will be eligible for the bursary during that year. Where full time students are repeating modules (less than 120 credits) the bursary will be pro-rated based on study intensity e.g. a student repeating 60 credits would be studying at a 50% intensity and would receive two payments of £250 per year.
Initial Bursary Award – Progress Bursary (February/March)
In order to receive the first payment, students must satisfy the following requirements by 31 January:
- 70% attendance
- Submission of all assessments that were due at that date*1
- Satisfactory settlement of fees or evidence of student loan arrangements provided to the College finance team e.g. grant letter
If the criteria above is not satisfied then the first payment of £500 will not be made.
*1 Where students have submitted extenuating circumstances for non-submission of work, the Bursary would be released if extenuating circumstances are granted and the work submitted by the new deadline but this is likely to delay the award of the Bursary.
End of Year Bursary Award – Completion Bursary (May/June)
In order to receive the second payment, students must satisfy the following requirements:
One year courses
- Achievement of the full course Award as confirmed by the final exam board, or equivalent
*If your award is confirmed at a later exam board e.g. resit board, this will delay the payment of the bursary.
Year one of two year courses
- Achievement of the requirements to progress to the second year of the course as confirmed by the final exam board, or equivalent
*If your progression is confirmed at a later exam board e.g. resit board this will delay the payment of the bursary.
Year two of two year courses
- Achievement of the full course Award as confirmed by the final exam board, or equivalent
*If your award is confirmed at a later exam board e.g. resit board this will delay the payment of the bursary.
For courses longer than two years, the same criteria will be applied. Currently there are no full-time courses delivered over a period longer than two years.