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Further update from Principal Mark Jones – 9 February 2021

Last week, the Education Minister announced that a small number of vocational students would be able to return to College from Monday 22 February which, as you will hopefully be aware from my previous update, we have been planning towards for the past couple of weeks.

The students who will be prioritised for return are those needing to undertake assessments to complete their qualifications and achieve their license to practice. 

Update from Principal Mark Jones – 27 January 2021

Last week’s announcement by the Education Minister about the way GCSE and A Level assessments will be graded for this year probably doesn’t look a lot different from those used in 2020. Grades will again be determined by lecturers and based on their assessment of students’ work – although this year it will be called Centre Determined Grades.

Centre Determined Grades
The general principles and guidance of how these Centre Determined Grades will work (assessment framework) is now under development by Qualifications Wales and the WJEC.

Update from the Principal - 13 January 2021

The announcement on Friday by the First Minister that colleges and schools will continue with online learning for at least the next three weeks (until 29 January and possibly longer if the number of positive cases do not reduce) was disappointing. But it is unquestionably the right approach to take at the current time in helping to reduce the numbers of transmissions across our communities.

But of course this announcement hasn’t come as any surprise and, as a College, we have been preparing for this very situation throughout the first term.

On yer bike for Kenya

Each year Gower College Swansea students hold a series of fundraising events in support of the Kenya Community Education Project and, despite restrictions due to the pandemic, they found a way to do it in 2020!

The students at Gorseinon and Tycoch campuses competed against each other on bikes to virtually cover the distance from Nairobi to Sigmore to raise money for Madungu Primary School, with which the College has a long-standing association. 

Update to advice on face coverings whilst at College

Following a recent change to Welsh Government guidance, it will now be mandatory for all staff, students and visitors to wear a face covering outside as well as inside when on campus grounds. 

If you wear a face shield, please be reminded that a face covering must be worn in addition. 

The only instances where face coverings will not have to be worn are:


College praises class of 2020

Every year graduation marks a special moment in the academic calendar to congratulate the hard work and success of our graduates.

The event is a showcase of achievement where we celebrate student success from a wide range of higher level courses including accountancy, teaching, engineering, childcare, sport, housing and management.