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College News

Liam Hughes and Ben Lewis, who won joint Silver, placing components onto circuit boards and soldering as part of the competition

A demonstration of world-class skills

Gower College Swansea joins forces with WorldSkills UK to demonstrate world-class skills.

Students at Gower College Swansea demonstrated their world-class electronic engineering skills when they took part in a virtual training event with students from across China. 

The event was the first of its kind to be held in Wales, and was organised by WorldSkills UK, the education and skills charity, supporting its programme to exchange best practice in skills development with countries around the world.

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College praises class of 2020

Every year graduation marks a special moment in the academic calendar to congratulate the hard work and success of our graduates.

The event is a showcase of achievement where we celebrate student success from a wide range of higher level courses including accountancy, teaching, engineering, childcare, sport, housing and management.

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Principal, Mark Jones

Important message from Principal, Mark Jones

As the firebreak lockdown comes to a close, here is some important information for when you return to College next week.

From Monday 9 November

We will now resume our face to face method of teaching for all our full time students.

If you are a part time student or an apprentice, your course will resume in the same way as it did before the firebreak lockdown.

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Welsh circuit breaker lockdown, what does this mean for the College?

Firebreak lockdown, what does this mean for the College?

Following yesterday’s Welsh Government announcement of a firebreak lockdown across Wales, the College will close to all but essential staff at 6pm on Friday 23 October for half term.

From Monday 2 to Friday 6 November, the campuses will remain closed, but all teaching will be delivered online.

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Join us at our virtual open evenings in November

This year, our November open evenings are going virtual! Explore the range of full time courses we offer, live chat with our staff and gain a real insight into life at Gower College Swansea.

What can you expect from the day?

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Gower College Swansea student makes team UK line up for WorldSkills’ European Showdown

Fourteen of the UK’s best young apprentices and professionals have been selected to take on the crème de la crème of their European peers in the first big skills pressure test of the post Brexit era – EuroSkills.

Rhys Watts, Electronic Engineering Apprentice Technician at Gower College Swansea, is the youngest of the team, representing the UK in the Electronics Prototyping category.

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Theatre students head for top drama school

Theatre students head for top drama school

Four recent Theatre Production Arts graduates from Gower College Swansea have arrived in Bristol to take up their places at the prestigious Old Vic Theatre School.

Abbi Davies, Susannah Pearce, Matthew Newcombe and Lewis Bamford will start their Production Arts (Stage and Screen) and Costume for Theatre, TV and Film courses this month.

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Local lockdown announced for Swansea, what does this mean for the College?

Local lockdown announced for Swansea, what does this mean for the College?

Following a Welsh Government announcement today (25 September), local lockdown restrictions will come into effect for Swansea from 6pm, 27 September.

Staff and students can continue to travel in and out of restricted areas to attend College, provided they:

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Togetherall – a safe, anonymous community for 24/7 mental health support

Our students' health, safety and wellbeing is our top priority, and we're always looking for new ways to support them. We are delighted to announce that we are now offering an excellent online support service called Togetherall.

Togetherall offers a safe and anonymous community to connect with from anywhere, at any time - whether students need to get something off their chest, have conversations, express themselves creatively or learn how to manage their mental health. The platform is monitored by trained clinicians 24/7, 365 days a year.

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Update from Principal Mark Jones (22 September)

Our continued response to Covid-19: Update from Principal Mark Jones (22 September)

Principal Mark Jones reflects on the start of the Autumn term, praising students and staff for their cooperation, and explaining how the College is continuing to ensure health and safety remains the top priority.

As we enter the fourth week of term, it seems a good time to reflect on how things have gone so far at Gower College Swansea.

Firstly, I want to say a huge thank you to all our students and staff for their cooperation as we navigate our way through an academic year that is very different to any we've known before. 

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