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GCSE resists - School leavers

Didn’t get the grades you were expecting and need to retake your GCSEs?

GCSE grades matter. GCSE resits offer you a second chance to achieve your full potential. There is an increasing emphasis that universities place on GCSE results, this means that a good set of GCSE exam results is more important than ever.

A flexible timetable means you can study for your GCSEs alongside your normal A Levels for other subjects, so don’t worry that resitting one or two GCSE subjects will completely hold you back. 

You will have a personal tutor who will support and guide you through the course.

GCSE – Adult learners

If you’re looking to gain qualifications to boost your employability and gain additional skill you can enrol this September to study for your GCSE in English, Mathematics, Science or Welsh (First Language).

If you accomplished a D grade or are a former ESOL student who achieved a Level 2 we offer face to face and remote options for English and Mathematics GCSE.

Enrol now to start September 2024.