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College News

Remote technology helps Oxbridge hopefuls

Remote technology helps Oxbridge hopefuls

A Level students from Gower College Swansea have been using technology to keep up with their studies during lockdown.

One group of approximately 30 students, who are following the Seren and HE+ programmes either at the College or in local secondary schools, recently took part in an online workshop organised by Swansea Seren and HE+ Coordinator Fiona Beresford and featuring guest speaker Lewis Devonald, a recent Modern History graduate from Lincoln College, Oxford.

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Virtual rowing raises money for Kenya

Virtual rowing raises money for Kenya

Gower College Swansea lecturer Cat Wilkes is spending some of her lockdown time raising much needed funds for the Kenya Community Education Project (KCEP).

The KCEP, which was set up at Gower College Swansea in 2003, aims to support the Madungu community by improving access to education, skills, income and employability. 

Cat, who teaches A Level and vocational ICT, will undertake a ‘virtual row’ across the English Channel, starting at 10am on Friday 1 May.

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Principal, Mark Jones

Updated messages to our students and parents/guardians

A message to students

It’s been a couple of weeks since I last wrote to you and I thought it would be useful to update you not only on how the College is continuing to operate, but also to give you my best advice during these challenging times. But before I do that, I just wanted to begin by thanking you.

Only two weeks ago we moved across to a blended method of teaching and learning using a combination of digital tutorials with a variety of assessments, as well as providing additional pastoral support.

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COVID response: Gower College Swansea strengthens support across its community

COVID response: Gower College Swansea strengthens support across its community

With face to face teaching suspended due to coronavirus, Gower College Swansea is using its wide range of remote and online learning techniques and expertise to keep delivering its mission – helping students onto their next educational or employment step.

In the lead up to closure, teaching teams quickly started to prepare learners in their tutorial sessions and around 450 laptops and other devices were sourced and loaned to both students and staff.

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Students enjoy US trip

Students enjoy US trip

In March, a group of 25 Gower College Swansea students undertook a successful trip to the USA.

The students, from the AS and A Level Government and Politics and History courses, visited educational and cultural landmarks in New York City and Washington DC.

“I’m incredibly proud of the engagement of the students during this visit – they represented the College with distinction and took a keen interest in the various aspects of what was an intensive itinerary,” says Government and Politics Curriculum Leader, Scott Evans.

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Top drama school offers for Acting Company students

Students on Gower College Swansea’s Acting Company course are celebrating offers to some of the UK’s top specialist drama schools.

Among them are Annalise Williamson and Ethan Thomas, who look set to have the enviable task of choosing which prestigious school to progress to. 

Annalise has been recalled to every drama school she has applied for, including the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA), the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, and the Bristol Old Vic Theatre school.

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American university offer for Bethany

American university offer for Bethany

An A Level student from Gower College Swansea has been offered a place at a prestigious US university.

Bethany Wisdom, who is studying A Levels in History, English Literature and French and following the College’s HE+ programme, has been offered a place to study liberal arts at Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania. 

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Higher Education students visit New York

Students from the Foundation Degree in Events Management and Foundation Degree in Sport Development and Management visited New York in February this year.

The College students had four great days in the city, with highlights including visiting the Statue of Liberty, Madison Square Garden, and seeing a live basketball game at the Barclays Centre.

“The aim of the trip was to provide a great experience and give insight into sport and facility management from an international perspective,” says James Prosser, Curriculum Leader for Sports.

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College celebrates medal winners

College celebrates medal winners

23 students from Gower College Swansea have achieved medals as part of the recent set of SkillsCompetitionWales events.

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College welcomes guest from the Holocaust Educational Trust

College welcomes guest from the Holocaust Educational Trust

A group of A2 History learners recently heard testimony from Holocaust survivor Eva Clarke BEM as part of a visit organised by the Holocaust Educational Trust (HET).

They also took part in a Q&A session to enable them to better understand the nature of the Holocaust and to explore its lessons in more depth. The visit was part of the HET’s extensive all year round Outreach Programme, which is available to schools across the UK.

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