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College News

Update for students and parents – 30 December 2021

This morning College managers met to discuss the return to College plans for next week.

A number of options were considered in anticipation of the new Welsh Government guidelines, which are expected later today and tomorrow.

Until we receive the updated government advice our most recent plans remain in place and are as follows:

Teaching and learning
There will be no teaching taking place on either Tuesday 4 or Wednesday 5 January.

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Gower College Swansea student becomes Welsh language Apprenticeship Ambassador

A Gower College Swansea apprenticeship student, Ryan Williams, has been chosen as one of 12 apprenticeship ambassadors to inspire others to use their Welsh language skills at their apprenticeship workplaces. 

The National Training Federation Wales (NTfW) and Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Ambassadors represent a variety of occupational sectors, including Welsh Government’s priority sectors for Welsh and bilingual apprenticeships – health and social care, early years, construction and agriculture. 

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Message from Principal, Mark Jones - January INSET days

Message from Principal, Mark Jones - January INSET days

As we approach the end of term, we wanted to take this opportunity to reflect and say a huge well done to you all for your hard work this year.

I am sure you will join me in thanking your teaching and support teams who have all helped to ensure you have been able to keep learning.

We have continued to follow Welsh Government guidance in terms of covid-19 safety measures, and will continue to do this into the future.

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Students Start Sustainable Shop

This week, our FdA Fashion & Textile Design students launched an online shop focussed on sustainable fashion.

Amended, a new student collective brand, uses solely sustainable practices at the heart of the design and manufacturing process in order to create bespoke handbags.

The students have created the unique pieces by combining remnants of fabrics, sustainable fabrics, and recycled clothing with zero waste cutting methods.

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Gower College Swansea and UWTSD collaborate to develop the next generation of engineering talent

Gower College Swansea (GCS) is collaborating with University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) to inspire and encourage the next generation of Motorsport Engineers.

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Covid-19 update - face coverings

As you will all most probably be aware, there is a new variant of the Covid-19 virus called Omicron.

In line with the new Welsh Government guidance, all students should now wear face coverings while indoors across all campuses. 

We are already operating on this basis, but you will now be asked to wear your face covering:
•    When in classrooms 
•    When in common room areas – unless eating/drinking.

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Swansea student joins BBC Children in Need challenge

Swansea student joins BBC Children in Need challenge

As announced on BBC’s The One Show on 21 October, a group of young people has been selected to take part in a new fundraising challenge for BBC Children in Need.

The Surprise Squad is made up of five inspirational young people who have been supported by BBC Children in Need and want to give back and lend a helping hand to benefit others.

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College’s HR team scoop top award

College’s HR team scoop top award

Gower College Swansea’s Human Resources team has been named Team of the Year (Public Sector) at the prestigious Wales HR Awards 2021.

“We are absolutely delighted to have won this award, which recognises our hard work and commitment to maintaining a positive and engaged workforce across the organisation,” says Director of HR, Sarah King. “Our strategy is all about caring for and connecting people, based on three key pillars of recognition, wellbeing and support.”

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Shaping the future of professional and executive education

Shaping the future of professional and executive education

Gower College Swansea launches Sketty Hall Business School

Gower College Swansea’s newest campus - Sketty Hall Business School - has been officially opened by the Minister for Education and Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles.

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Celebrating the success of our higher education students

Every year, we celebrate the success of our hard-working higher education students as they complete their higher level programmes.

From events management to engineering and from health and care to computer technology, higher education students across all courses should be very proud of the hard work and dedication that has gone into successfully achieving their qualifications.

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