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Multiply Summer Bootcamp – Impact of the Decimal Place

Sketty Hall
One and half hours


The Multiply Summer Bootcamp is here to give your numeracy skills a boost before the start of the next academic year. These sessions are ideal for any learners looking to start an Access to HE course or apprenticeship, or just to brush up on useful skills for everyday life!

Deep Impact: Impact of the decimal place.

Accuracy is key in a range of day-to-day tasks and jobs. We look at a range of methods and strategies to develop your abilities with calculations involving the decimal place. In the world of medicine, construction, business and everywhere in between, ensuring you are capable and confident within this essential skill will give you a great platform when moving forward.

The Multiply Project is fully funded by the UK Government through the Shared Prosperity Fund.

Key information

Eligibility for Multiply-funded courses is as follows: 
•    Aged 19-or over
•    Living or working in Swansea.
Evidence of eligibility must be brought to the first lesson of your course. A list of accepted forms of evidence can be found here.

This course is non-accredited, and therefore does not require any assessment.

Join another one of our summer bootcamp courses, a longer Multiply course or take the plunge with a GCSE-equivalent ‘Level 2 Essential Application of Number’ course.

Impact of the Decimal Place 
Course code: ZA508 PTE2
Sketty Hall
1 day
11am - 12.30pm
Level 2
Impact of the Decimal Place
Course code: ZA508 PTE4
Sketty Hall
1 day
Level 1
Impact of the Decimal Place
Course code: ZA508 PTE
1 day
4 - 5.30pm
Impact of the Decimal Place
Course code: ZA508 PTE2
1 day
2 - 4pm