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Access to Law

Level 3
34 weeks
Telephone: 01792 284000 (Tycoch)


This well-established Access programme at Gower College Swansea is aimed at those returning to study for progression into higher education or related employment opportunities. This Access programme is widely recognised by universities and other Higher Education institutions and provides a foundation for pathways within law, criminology and other related subjects.

Subjects units include:

  • Investigative project
  • Nature of law
  • Sources of law
  • Criminal law
  • Homicide
  • Courts and alternative dispute resolution
  • Method of psychological investigation
  • Theoretical approaches to psychology
  • Criminal psychology
  • Sociological perspectives
  • Sociology of crime and deviance
  • Inequalities and discrimination.

Mandatory skills units include:

  • Planning study and time management
  • Academic skills, revision skills and application of mathematics.

Key information

Applicants are likely to be returning to learning and can study Access programmes from a wide variety of backgrounds. Ideally a Level 2 in literacy is required and no previous knowledge of law is required.

All applicants will be interviewed and assessed to determine suitability to the demands of the programme that take into account the applicant's (i) aims and goals (ii) life experience (iii) educational experience. Candidates will be advised if alternative Level 3 routes are more appropriate to their aims.

Applicants may also be initially advised to consider our Pre-Access Level 2 programme to further prepare them and advise their suitability for study upon this Level 3 pathway.

This 60-credit Access Diploma is continually assessed by completing a combination of subject and skills units.

Assessment methods will include a variety of project and assignment work, essays, presentations, research projects and tests. You will be required to maintain your course file to the required standard for the Agored awarding body and ALL assessments are designed to prepare learners for higher education or employment.

The course requires a high level of commitment to the various continually assessed units for successful completion.

Following the successful completion of this course you will be able to apply to Higher Education for a wide range of pathways such as law or criminology.

Students will be required to purchase textbooks and the course may involve trips which will require a contribution from students.