Bu dosbarthiadau Lefel A Saesneg a myfyrwyr Celfyddydau Perfformio yn ffodus iawn o gael ymweliad gan gwmni theatr broffesiynol y ‘Lighthouse Theatre’ ar ddiwrnod cyntaf mis Rhagfyr.
Maent ar hyn o bryd mae’r cwmni theatr yn gweithio ar ddarn o sioe un dyn, stori ‘Nadolig Plentyn yng Nghymru. Trefnodd Anna Davies ein Hyrwyddwr Dwyieithrwydd, mewn cydweithrediad ag Adran Celfyddydau Dinas a Sir Abertawe, eu bod yn cynnal dau berfformiad ohoni ar gampws Gorseinon y coleg.
Dyma un o lu o ddigwyddiadau a drefnwyd yn y coleg i ddathlu canmlwyddiant bywyd a gwaith y bardd Dylan Thomas.
Roedd yn gyfle arbennig i fyfyrwyr fynychu perfformiad mewnol o’r cynhyrchiad. Byddant nawr yn gallu defnyddio eu profiad o'r perfformiad yn ogystal â’r sesiwn cwestiwn ac ateb ar y diwedd yn rhan o elfen synoptig eu gwaith. Hefyd, bydd yn eu cynorthwyo i gymharu â chyferbynnu’r cynhyrchiad gyda gweithiau eraill ar yr un thema.
O gysidro bod mwyafrif helaeth o’n myfyrwyr o Abertawe, a bod y gwaith yn un o rai Dylan Thomas, wedi’i addasu gan Adrian Metcalfe yr actor yn y cynhyrchiad, mae’n bwysig iawn i’r coleg eu bod yn dysgu am eu hardal leol, a’r cymeriadau sydd ohoni. Mae gwaith Dylan Thomas yn rhan o dreftadaeth yr ardal, ac felly mae gallu gweld perfformiad o’i waith yn y coleg yn rhan bwysig o’u haddysg.
Dangosodd y perfformiad beth sy’n bosib gyda set syml a sgript dda. Roedd yr amrywiaeth o fewn y darn dod a bach o adloniant a mwynhad i’r gynulleidfa. Fe oedd Adrian yr actor yn amlwg yn nabod ei gymeriad yn dda, ac fe oedd wedi paratoi yn drylwyr tuag at y sesiwn cwestiwn ac ateb ar y diwedd.
Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at gydweithio pellach gydag Adran Celfyddydau Dinas a Sir Abertawe yn ogystal â’r Lighthouse Theatre yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg yn y dyfodol agos.
A Level English and Performing Arts students were lucky enough to receive a visit from a professional theatre company - Lighthouse Theatre - on the first day of December.
At the moment the theatre company are working on a one-man show piece from A Child’s Christmas in Wales. Anna Davies, our Bilingual Champion, in cooperation with the City and County's Arts Department, asked that they conduct two performances at the college’s Gorseinon campus.
This is one of several events organised at the college to celebrate the centenary of the life and work of the poet Dylan Thomas.
It was an unique chance for students to attend an in-house performance of the production. They will now be able to use their experience from the performance, and the following Q&A sessions, as part of the synoptic elements of their course. It will also assist them to compare and contrast the production with other works on a similar theme.
Considering that the majority of our students are from Swansea, and the work is one of Dylan Thomas’ (adapted by Adrian Metcalfe, the production’s actor), it is important for the college that our students learn about their local area and the characters within it. Dylan Thomas’s work is part of the area’s heritage and so seeing a performance of his work in the college is an important part of their education.
The performance also showed what is possible with a simple set and a good script. The variety within the performance brought great entertainment and enjoyment to the audience. We are looking forward to working with the City and County Arts Department, as well as the Lighthouse Theatre, in the near future through the medium of Welsh and English.