Staff and students
We can confirm that the Sports Centre will reopen for staff and students from Tuesday 1 September.
To ensure the health and safety of all, please note the following changes:
- There will be limited spaces available due to social distancing
- You will only be able to use the gym for a maximum of one hour
- Please bring your own water, there will be no access to water fountains
- There will be limited shower facilities available.
Members of the public
We can confirm that the Sports Centre will reopen for members of the public from Tuesday 1 September.
To ensure the health and safety for all, please note the following changes (phase one)
- New opening times:
Weekdays 6.30am-8.30am and 4pm-10pm (earlier close Friday 9pm)
Saturdays 8am-4pm
Sundays 8am -9pm
- Booking will be required as access is limited due to social distancing
- You will only be able to use the gym for a maximum of one hour
- Please bring your own water, there will be no access to water fountains
- There will be limited shower facilities available.
To book or more information, please contact 01792 284088. Lines open Friday 28 August from 9am-1pm. If you have any further queries, please email
Thank you for supporting us during these unprecedented times, we look forward to welcoming you back to the Sports Centre next week.