Building Services Studies: Plumbing and Electrical Level 1 - Diploma 
This qualification allows learners to gain, develop and practise the skills required for employment and/or career progression in plumbing, electrical work, or building services.
This one year course is ideal for anyone looking for an introduction to the plumbing and electrical industry who wishes to undertake a course which will act as a pathway to further studies in this area.
It will give you the opportunity to pick up some core practical skills and knowledge, along with the opportunity to progress our Level 2 Foundation in Building Services.
Key information
- Applicants will be considered based on interview and a satisfactory skills scan, with a desire and commitment to complete the course they would wish to study
- Learners aged 16+ would ideally be in possession of positive GCSE Grades in Mathematics, English Language and Science.
Learners will complete 9 paper-based theory assessments ranging from health and safety to specific trade related content. Learners will also work through training booklets and portfolios and demonstrate a range of practical skills in the plumbing and electrical workshops.
A mix of practical assessments and paper-based exams.
Assessment Structure
To achieve this qualification, learners must complete:
- Nine end of module exams
- A training programme in each area, plus 19 practical related assessments.
On successful completion of the Level 1 Diploma in Building Services course, you may explore either the Level 2 Foundation in Building Services or aim to gain an apprenticeship and join the EAL Level 3 Building Services Engineering – Plumbing and Heating on a part-time basis.
Learners may be offered the opportunity to move onto the Level 2 Foundation within the first 8 weeks if they consistently demonstrate excellent practical skills, positive attendance and advanced theory ability.