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Welsh Week at Gower College Swansea

Gower College Swansea held its annual Welsh Week last week, encouraging interaction and cultural engagement among students and staff. It featured a variety of activities celebrating Welsh culture and traditions.

TV personality Tudur Phillips led energetic clog dancing sessions, and students enthusiastically embraced the traditional Welsh dance, fostering a sense of cultural pride whilst also having a lot of fun!

Welsh fancy dress added a splash of colour to the College, as students and staff donned Welsh bonnets, flags and leek hats. It was great to see so many dress up and take selfies in their fun outfits.

In keeping with the St David's Day theme, an 'ideas tree' encouraged students and staff to share their thoughts on St David’s 'do the little things’ motto. The initiative sparked meaningful discussions, highlighting the community's interest in simple acts of kindness. Principal, Kelly Fountain, also got involved writing “always be kind and treat others the way you would expect to be treated”.

Adding an entertaining touch to the celebration, Welsh language drag queen Catrin Feelings entertained students with her singing and humour that captivated the audience. The inclusive and diverse nature of the event resonated well with everyone and it was also great way to end LGBTQ+ history month.

Historian Bethany Davies held sessions with English A level students on connections with poetry and Welsh culture, bringing an educational element to the festivities. Students and staff explored the heritage and artistic expressions that Wales has to offer.

The Vanilla Pod restaurant was fully booked for a Welsh cuisine evening, with traditional Welsh meals on offer. Childcare students enjoyed Welsh cakes in their class and business student Hels Bakes provided the College with cupcakes to enjoy all week. The College canteens also served delicious cawl on St David’s day finishing off a successful Welsh Week.

Goody bags will be handed out to the winning staff and students this week, who answered correctly in the daily quiz.