Additional Learning Support

Learning support team (statemented learners)
Your transition to College will begin long before you arrive in September - find out how we can help you prepare.

Physical barriers to learning
Our dedicated team of Learning Support Assistants can provide a variety of bespoke support for you.

Neurodiversity team (non-statemented learners)
Our specialist support teachers can support you if you have a neurodiverse condition e.g. ADHD, autism, dyslexia etc

Adult/returning learners
Here you will find useful information for those returning to education after a time away from the classroom.

Assistive technology support
We can provide specialist one to one training for new technology and ongoing support. Options available include adapted desktop PCs, and specialist software.

Transition and Review Officer (TRO)
The support we offer you before you arrive will continue throughout the time you are with us and continue after you have left College.

Learning support for higher education students
We can provide specialist support to you throughout your time at College and can meet the needs of a wide variety of neurodiverse conditions.

Independent Living Skills (ILS)
The ILS department is made up of students with varying abilities and needs, working on a curriculum that is designed to meet their individual aspirations and goals.